A Tiny Kitten Appears

Last summer, we heard a kitten cry through our front porch window. When we investigated, we saw a gray blur race off the front porch leaving only our older gray male, Tuesday, on the porch. Although Tuesday usually chases off any stray cats that appear, he hadn't chased what we assume was a gray kitten. Tuesday could share his dry cat food with the kitten but, of course, we wanted to find it. We finally realized the kitten was living in our detached garage. It was small enough to slide under one of the walls. After several months of quiet coaxing and the lure of food, Peanut finally came out in the open and eventually we were able to gently touch the kitten. A year later, Peanut is a sleek, happy, house cat who adores Tuesday. She has made Tuesday feel like a kitten again. They are always together; wrestling on the porch, exploring our 7 acres or sleeping side-by-side. We have no idea where one small kitten could have come from but we, and Tuesday, are glad she appeared.

Marcia Butler
Staunton, VA