Barn cat who didn't want to be

There were two cats at the barn I was renting for my horses, an orange cat and black cat. The orange cat kind of annoyed me at first, she was quite pushy about getting petted, and I honestly wasn't much of a cat person.

Over time, I started to warm up to her because my husband and daughter really liked her. She played with us, sat in our laps, followed me around, even out in the mud and rain, she wanted to be by me. My daughter named her "Kitty Meow Meow".

One night when I was petting her, I discovered that she was de-clawed! So we made the decision to bring her home. She just wanted to be by us, and was obviously sad every night when we left.

We brought her home, where we had filled a litter box with dirt from the riding arena where she was used to going potty. She hid that night and about half of the next day, and then realized she was in kitty Heaven :) She absolutely loves her home, she could care less when we open the door to outside, she wouldn't dream of going back out there. This is what she wanted all along, and she succeeded in communicating that to us. She is the perfect cat...we had been watching Jackson Galaxy's "My Cat From Hell" so we could prepare for having a cat and any problems we might have bringing a barn cat inside, but this cat was never really a barn cat. She just wanted to come home, and now she is the most appreciative, loving, and grounded cat I've ever met.

Her name, Kitty Meow Meow, ended up sticking. We tried to think of an "official" name, since that was just a funny one we gave her at the barn, but it just never happened. She will always be called Kitty Meow Meow :)

Town of Menasha, WI