Casey & Morgan

I had 2 cats and had NO intentions of having more! That was enough. Then, we went to my parent's farm for the weekend. It was fall, and as we walked toward the door the tiniest kitten wandered out, looked up at my husband and mewed. I knew it was over. The poor little thing was obviously starving and weak.Mom told us that one of her cats had a litter and didn't take care of the kittens. She'd seen two kittens that hadn't been cared for and had been hoping to catch them. This one was a tiny grey and white ball of fluff. We looked for the other, but couldn't find it before we had to leave. This little sweetie ate well, was getting along with our cats and everything looked great! A few days later, we got a call from my Mom that she'd found the other kitten and was taking care of it for us! I said we'd foster the other and return it when it was older. He was very small and still weak; with brown, cream, white and grey in his coat. We named them Casey and Morgan. After 3 months, I wanted to keep Casey and the rest of the family wanted to keep Morgan, so we kept them both. They are so smart, from opening doors when we are gone, to getting into stuff I would swear they cannot get into and both know how to sit and wait for treats. Casey "talks" to me all the time and seems to be asking questions and waiting for responses. Morgan learned how to turn on my electric blanket so he could get toasty on my bed. They are 3 years old now, and they keep learning things that just amaze me!

Sandra Gilligan
Garden City, KS