Feral Family

Back in 2001, a coworker spotted a kitten peering out from under a juniper bush behind our office building. After some investigation we determined there was a litter of kittens under there and after watching all day, didn't see a mother return. We left food for them every morning for the week it took us to locate a cage to trap them with. It took 3 cans of anchovies and most of the day but 1 by 1 we caught 6 kittens. None of them were very happy to be handled and there was a lot of hissing and spitting as they were transferred to a carrier. A quick trip to the vet the next morning revealed that they were about 9 weeks old and healthy. They were adopted by myself and 3 other coworkers so none of them wound up at a shelter. I took Smokey (the first and smallest) and Bandit (the last and biggest) home with me. I was worried that they would stay feral and unfriendly but it didn't take them long to figure out how lucky they were to be found. Purring, play-time and lap cuddles became a daily routine. They've been great companions for the last 15 years & I cherish every day I get with them!

Denver, CO