George the brave little jack russell

One man's best friend put his paw up for national hero this year.

George a 9-year-old Jack Russell made headlines around the world in April after he gave his life to save a group of children from two pitbulls in a little town in New Zealand.

The pitbulls had rushed at five youngsters walking home from a shop. Plucky little George started barking and charged at the pitbulls, allowing the children to run away.

The pitbulls fell upon the tiny terrier, savaging him until a passing motorist managed to separate the dogs.

George was later put down because of his injuries, but he has posthumeously been given a PDSA (People's Dispensary for Sick Animals of the Poor) Gold Medal by the British High Commissioner.

Sorry the picture isn't great, but it was such a sad but still nice story, I wanted to share it.

Auckland, New Zealand