Good Golly Miss Molly

It was an October night and I was coming home from a night with friends. As I parked my car and began to walk to my apartment door I noticed a cute little orange cat standing in the driveway. Being the animal lover I was I automatically began talking to it. As I began walking toward my door I noticed she was following me. I thought to myself....interesting. I proceeded to walk down the steps and she continued to follow. I then unlocked my door and in she walked like she owned the place. I thought to myself this is fate! I let her roam around a bit and she made herself right at home by taking a nap in my bathroom sink. I immediately began posting a photo on facebook about my new found friend and asked people for advice. She seemed so content here. She had no tags and was apparent she had been in the outdoors for awhile as she had a scratch on her ear and she was a little unkempt. I ran up to the local convenience store and bought a can of cat food which she absolutely loved! What to do now? I let her spend the night until I could figure out what to do. As I awoke the next morning to checking my facebook status comments for advice a friend had said "OMG That's Molly." I immediately contacted my friend to find out her story. Molly was given to my landlords mother as a present when she was a kitten. Molly then became an outdoor cat rarely came home. For the past few years she was roaming the neighborhood. She would occasionally come visit my landlords niece who lived in this apartment but wouldn't stay long. So I decided to take Molly to the vet and give her a home if she wanted to stay. Turns out she did! The first month she would stay in for a few days then need an outing however the past 3 months she has stayed put! She chose me, and I wouldn't change a thing!

Bay Shore, NY