Grey Wind is the king

My sister was returning from work one day when she passed by a park and she found a little cat. He looked very thin and sick, but she couldn't bring him home because my mom wouldn't let her. The next day she passed through the same park again and found the same kitten eating a French fry a man had fed him with. She called me immediately and I convinced her to bring him to me so I could sneak him into the house unnoticed.

She brought him home and I decided to name him Grey Wind because he was really fast. We got him to the vet on the spot and a ffew days later finally confessed everything to our mom. By then we had already rescued several pets so she ended up accepting him after seeing how cute he was.

It took a long time for him to recover from stomach complications, skin problems and other infections. Nevertheless, he soon became my dad's favourite and obviously mine and can be always found lazing around with my pigeons or taking all my pillows. He's very attached to me and thankfully gets along with our other cats.

Dora Garcia
Lima, Peru