How Ben chose me

When I started studying veterinary science far away from home I knew who I was going to miss the most. All the animals that are around me at home, not my family and not my friends but them. But I also knew that the studies are hard and I wouldn't have a lot of time. So I kept myself away from all the streetdogs etc they have in Hungary. Short before my birthday my roomie (also one of my best friends) convinced me to go to a killing station with her after my anatomy exam because she wanted to have a look at one of the dogs. I said yes and joined her after I failed the exam. First I thought this was the worst day of the year but it turned out to be the best day of my life.
The dog we came for was already adopted and so we had a look around. When we stood in the middle of a inner yard all the dogs were barking at us. Just one of them kept staring at me. The moment I noticed him my roomie said 'look Jana, There is your dog'. We fell in love immediately and i didn't even hesitate when they told me he would bite. I knew he wouldn't bite me and I knew I had to take him home. So I did.
I kept him a secret from my parents for about a month but now he is loved and accepted by everyone around me. He is like my shadow and I coulnd't imagine life without him. Although we had/have our issues, we get better day by day and he also helps me to take my time off while having long walks outside of the city with our best friends (2 and 4 legged). He is the best that ever happened to me and truly chose me as his person.
By the way, who could resist those eyes? ;)

Jana Motzkau
Esslingen, Germany