I almost made a huge mistake

I met Watson when I was searching through the shelter after my childhood dog had died. I found a golden retriever puppy there the day before and thought I was in love. I took my mom back with me to get the puppy to find it was already adopted. I was crushed, and just wanted to go home.
My mom suggested we look at the other dogs and I reluctantly agreed. She found a dog that I thought was so mangy and gross, she then insisted we take him out for a walk. The whole time I complained like an 17 year old would. We took him to the adoption room where he started crying and peed everywhere. I thought to myself, "oh great, I can't leave him here now, he's so pathetic." So the next day I took him home and gave him a bath.
As I cleaned him up I realize that he was a beautiful dog. I was so incredibly wrong about him. He came out of his shell and showed me how much he loved life. He's playful, smart, and so unbelievably sweet. He is by far the best dog I have ever had, and he LOVES to cuddle. As you can see in the photo he's waking my fiancé up with love early on a saturday. I went to the shelter with the intentions of getting a puppy and found an adult dog who ended up being my best friend. I was wrong about Watson and so glad he taught me the lesson that older dogs are just as good, or in his case, better than puppies. And you can believe I'm been thanking my mom and trying to make it up to Watson ever since.

detroit, MI