Lincoln at the rest stop

I was driving down the turnpike, toward home after a visit with my daughter, son-in-law and granddaughter. I had just left their home and did not need anything to drink, eat or to use the restroom but something pulled me into that rest stop – I am convinced God took me there to save this beautiful cat. When I pulled up he was rubbing peoples legs and meowing loudly – begging for food. He was skin and bones – I could count every rib and vertebrae. So I went in and bought him a chicken sandwich. After he was done literally inhaling it I picked him up and he just purred and purred. It was at that moment I knew he had to come home with me. He meowed a bit but finally settled into my front seat and fell asleep. I called my daughter and asked her to prepare the guest bedroom with a litter, food and water so that we could keep him away from our other cats until our vet cleared him. When we got home he leapt out of my arms toward my cats food bowls and began eating the old dried left overs from their dinner. We gave him his own bowl of food and he gobbled it down in a flash. Imagine my surprise when we found a microchip at the vet. We talked with the owner who told us he had run away 2 years before – she was now divorced and a single mother and felt she could not take him back. I found out his name was Lincoln and I told her he had a home with us. His transition with my other cats has not been smooth but every day gets better. Linc is a love and a lap cat and has turned into the most beautiful soft cream-colored cat I have ever seen. God wanted me to save him!!!

New Cumberland, PA