Luna and Eclipse

On May of 2014, our local veterinarian posted about two Siamese mamas who were left on their doorstep with their babies. The kittens were about ten days old. I talked to my children about them and we agreed we would adopt a boy and a girl. We called the vet and told them we wanted to adopt two of them. The next day we went to pick out our new babies. The girls decided to name them Luna and Eclipse.

Two weeks before we were to bring them home, I received a call from the veterinarian’s office. Luna had developed Cerebellar Hypoplasia (CH) and she was going blind in one eye. CH is a disorder that causes jerky movement, wobbly uncoordinated walking, and head bobbing. The vet wanted me to be aware of this and if we didn’t want to take Luna they would understand. I asked if I could come by and see her. Before going to the vet’s office, I watched videos of cats with CH and read more on the illness. CH can be mild or severe. I didn’t know how severe her case was or if it was just mild. I went by the vet on my way home and they brought her out to me. Luna was so tiny and she trembled in my hands. My heart broke for her. I knew I didn’t want to give her up but I wasn’t sure if my children would be up for the task of taking care of a special needs kitten.

I picked my girls up and explained them the situation but before I could finish, my girls told me they didn’t care. They still wanted her. I was so proud of my girls. We called the vet the next morning and told them we still wanted to adopt her and her brother.

It has been over a year since Luna and Eclipse became part of our family. I can’t explain how much joy Luna and Eclipse has brought to us. We are so blessed to have them both.

Fort Smith, AR