Milo and Murphy

A couple of years ago, my brother went out to his car one morning and saw something underneath it, huddled next to one of the tires. He came closer and saw that it was a tiny gray tabby kitten. He scooped it up, and, figuring it was lost, asked around the area to see if anyone had lost a kitten. No one had. So, he took a trip to the closest pet store and picked up some kitty supplies. My brother asked me if I would be willing to take care of the kitty for a few days until we could find him a permanent home, as he lived in a building that didn’t allow pets. I had never considered getting a cat, mostly because I am quite allergic to them – but how could I say no? Over the next week, I tried not to get too attached, because I knew that I wasn’t going to keep him. I asked all of my extended family members, co-workers, and friends, but no one wanted a kitten. One day, he used his tiny claws to crawl up my pant leg and jump into my arms to snuggle. At that moment, I knew I was keeping him for sure. I named him Milo (pictured on the left). I loved him so much that I wanted to adopt a friend for him so that he would have company while I was at work. I got in touch with a rescue and found a sweet brown and white tabby (pictured on the right). I named him Murphy. Milo is a loving, snuggly, and sometimes feisty boy who likes to be the boss. Murphy is the mellowest, gentlest, most polite kitty that I have ever encountered. The two complement each other perfectly and are true friends. I love my boys more than I ever thought possible. I have gotten married since adopting them, and they have won over my husband’s heart as well. I am still allergic to cats, but wouldn’t give them up for anything. That’s what allergy medications are for!

Minneapolis, MN