Mr. Peepers Miracle

Kitty Konnection, a local rescue, sent out a plea for homes for a feral cat colony threatened with poisoning. I agreed to take 2 as barn cats at our historic site. The little one arrived with a severe eye injury that was badly infected, he would die without immediate attention. The vet said the eye had to be removed. Because he was so small, and would be at a disadvantage, the vet didn't want to see him go back to being a barn cat. Turns out, he wasn't the least bit feral, rather he was a sweet, cuddly boy who was, likely, dumped, because of his injury and/or for being male. He recuperated at my house, gaining his name, Mr. Peepers because he does not meow...he peeps! Six months later, he is my one-eyed wonder -- nothing slows him down. He is the best little "bother" to his big sister, Merlin, my Bombay, and an all around wonderful boy. The moral of this story -- ferals are not always feral, special needs cats are special, and never underestimate the power of love and good medical care to change a life!

Michelle Zupan