My Friend Max

Two years ago I was about to turn 50 and wanted a present that would just be for me. I decided that I really wanted a dog because I had never had one. Also, with the kids leaving home, I needed a substitute “child” to take care of and spend time with. It had to be a small dog so our two elderly cats wouldn’t be intimidated. I found Pegasus on the website for Heaven Sent Animal Rescue and, as luck would have it, they were having an event at Pet Smart that weekend. When I walked up to the little corral where they had the dogs, Pegasus came running over to me, barking as if to say “I’m the one you’re looking for!” It was meant to be! I’m sure they had named him Pegasus for his huge ears, but that was too big of a name for a little guy so I renamed him Max. Max was scared of everything at first and hated going out for walks. But with time, patience and training, he is now fine about walking with me around the neighborhood and parks. He’s just scared of large trucks and loud noises. He and the cats have an agreement where they have their own territories in the house, so it's mostly peaceful. He’s a wonderful companion and friend, and loves his people family as much as we love him.

Albany, NY