Rumba is a Jazzy Kitty

Last June I attended a concert by the Airmen of Note and up onto the stage wandered a tiny kitten. The Sergeant scooped up the little bundle and sang "who will take this kitty home". The kitten followed her around the rest of the show. Afterwards I went up to the stage as no one else was going to and brought the little tabby bundle home. The Sergeant had named her Rumba and it stuck.

She's a wonderful young cat now, very affectionate and extremely playful. She joins a family of rescued kitties and after a few hissy moments early on fits right in. Rumba is talkative and inquisitive. The funny thing is she has to touch everything. Not just sniff it, she actually has to touch it. She will pat your face when you pick her up to talk to her. And put her paws over your mouth if she doesn't like what you're saying.

She is a real joy! The Sergeant and I stay in touch and she gets a kick out of Rumba's antics too. I'll never know why someone would abandon kittens in the park but I'm glad this one danced her way into my heart.

Cat Kouns Born
Lima, OH