She walked into my husband's lap - and our hearts.

In 2002, my husband and I were walking some friends of ours out, and he spotted this little calico cat. He tried to get her to come over but she would not go anywhere near our friends. So after they left, he sat on the sidewalk and coaxed her onto his lap - then grabbed her and brought her inside. We quarantined her in the bathroom and she was completely freaking out. She was absolutely filthy and it took weeks to get the dirt out of her fur (even bathing her). We named her Cinnamon Buttercup.

She had not been fixed and we're pretty sure she had been abused, as she was afraid of her own shadow. You so much as raised a hand near her and she would freak out and go hide. She finally would let us pet her and we kept her inside, but the turning point was when we got her fixed. She was obviously in pain after the surgery and for the first time, she came to me for comfort. I stayed up with her well past my bedtime and that was the beginning of her transformation.

She is possibly the most affectionate cat I've ever known, now. She is constantly begging to be petted and loved, and at 12 years old is still pretty playful. And yes, she does love almost everyone! She has learned to give "kisses" and when I come home she cries until I lean down so she can lick my cheek. She is VERY insistent when she wants something! Also, she has a fondness for pink toys (even though cats aren't supposed to be able to see pink!) She and our original kitty, Azehrei, were best friends until his death.

Despite her multiple health issues (asthma, allergies and multiple benign tumors) she is doing well. No more abuse or cold and hunger for this special girl!

Dover, OH