We found Snow(name given by us due to his white coat), almost dead lying just outside our house and we were just preparing to bury him respectfully, when we saw him shake his leg a bit. His neck was badly bitten, with blood all around, with wounds so deep that even the bone inside could be seen, He was breathing off and on and would have died very soon. We rushed him to a vet, who gave him first aid and dressed his wound, although he was not sure whether he would finally survive because one of is vertebral bones were broken and one part of body paralysed.
So worse was his condition, that doctor advised to go for mercy killing since he would never be able to walk or even manage his daily routine jobs. We however could not make up our mind for mercy killing and relied on fate! We consulted some more doctors and kept faith in God. Twice we came across situations when we felt we are loosing him, since he stopped eating/drinking and suffered de-hydration, but we forcefully fed him water and minerals through drip and he responded well. Even though we were ready to feed him and help him all life, if his body remained partially paralysed, but after some months we could see that he is able to pull his body, get up for some time and finally he started to walk a bit too. He had some wounds still fresh, which were cleaned daily by us and the wounds did not throw out blood but also pale yellow mucous off and on.
And after 6 months of all the effort, we saw him transform into an almost a normal cat, with all wounds dried up and SNOW able to walk, run, eat and play as normal cats do. Even now his one of the bones is broken and he limps a little when he walks, but apart from that he is no different from any cat and is extremely loving.
All this has been a MAGICAL journey so far!

delhi, India