Stella Bella

I lost my 12-old cat to cancer last September. In November I was ready to adopt another from a shelter, when I heard a loud meow in front of my house. I found a white kitten in the tire well of a car. When I reached for it, the kitten ran away and I was unable to catch it. I felt horrible as it was cold and the kitten was on its own. The next night I heard the meow again, this time it was coming from behind a locked gate of an apartment building. While I was trying to coax the kitten out, I heard water being poured and realized that a woman in the building was throwing water on the kitten to try to get it to be quiet. I explained that I was trying to catch the kitten. In the end the woman helped to unlock the gate and I finally caught my sweet Stella and brought her home.

Astoria, NY