Surviving the Mean Streets of Miami

We had just lost our last dog to cancer and we were not anxious to get another dog. But one day looking through my Facebook timeline I saw a photo posted by my friends with what appeared to be a small dog with deep brown eyes and dark brown hair. If you know Toto, then you know what he looked like, but his name was Lucky. Our friends had found him wandering the very mean streets of Miami and somehow he'd survived. The people around the neighborhood were asked about him, but they wanted him gone. Due to unexpected circumstances our friends couldn't keep him so they posted the photograph and I took one look at his face and I knew he was the one. So we contacted her and over the course of a few hours, we had arranged to have them bring him to our home in another city. Coincidentally or providentially they were coming here anyway, so this was just meant to be. As soon as she let him out of the car, and off leash mind you, he ran with all of his might right up to me and into my arms. He has never looked back and neither have we. He is our heart and our love "fur"ever and he will not ever have to fight to survive as long as he lives. We know that he was sent to us. Even funnier is that the last dog we got was a gift from a Lisa and this dog was too! So Lucky is now Duncan, the little brown warrior and he truly is!

Tampa, FL