Tiny orange Kitten

One day my boyfriend and I decided to get a kitten. We both wanted a female one and we knew for sure we wanted a kitten. So we went to PetSmart and saw many cats mostly adult. None of these cats caught our attention so we went to PetCo. While there we saw this tiny orange kitten that kept pawing the window of his cage trying to get our attention so we asked a helper if we could get a closer look. The helper let us hold this kitten. It turned out the orange kitten with some stripes was a male and he was 11 weeks old. We then decided this kitten choose us. So we got everything a kitten needed and brought him home. After many days of trying to decide on a name we choose one that we haven't heard anyone use. We picked his name to be Kovu. Our back yard is a small backyard that is in closed with brick walls, the garage, and the back door of our condo. We put in a cat door in and let him explore. He was very curios and loved it right away. Kovu took to the house right away and always slept on my chest neck and shoulder curled up. He is now 2 years old and a very strong kitten. We eventually got a second kitten and he loves her. They became the minute we introduced them. We found out when we got him that he was stray abandoned by his mother.

Pueblo, CO