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Support the Pet Friendly Rental Act

2,621 signatures toward our 30,000 Goal

8.74% Complete

Sponsor: The Animal Rescue Site

Make homes pet-friendly! Support the Pet Friendly Rental Act and help families keep their furry companions.

No family should be forced to choose between their beloved pets and stable housing. Legislators in Ohio agree, and are uniting on the Pet Friendly Rental Act, a groundbreaking bill designed to transform the lives of both renters and their furry family members in the state1.

The Pet Friendly Rental Act

In a nutshell, it's an opportunity for a brighter future. Ohio House Bill 277 introduces a tax credit system that rewards landlords for opening their doors to cats and dogs, without imposing extra security deposits or fees2. And this isn't just a policy; it's a beacon of hope for pet owners across the state, and potentially, across the entire United States.

Why Does It Matter?

Let's face it, pets aren't just pets; they're family. And when soaring housing costs and limited pet-friendly housing options make it near impossible to find a home where you and your pet can live together, something needs to change3.

We've heard the stories of pet owners being forced to surrender their animals because they couldn't secure pet-friendly housing. Over 100 pets were surrendered to the Cleveland Animal Protective League solely because of housing challenges in 2023, and another 150 were given up when their owners had to move2.

Pets bring joy, comfort, and companionship to our lives. They're not just a luxury; they're an essential part of our families. And the Pet Friendly Rental Act acknowledges that.

How Can You Make a Difference?

The answer is simple: Support the Pet Friendly Rental Act! By adding your voice, you can help create a future where pet owners don't face impossible choices when it comes to housing.

  1. Show Your Support: Sign the petition to endorse the Pet Friendly Rental Act. Let lawmakers know that you believe in the importance of pet-friendly housing for all Ohioans.
  2. Share the Love: Spread the word about this transformative bill with your friends, family, and social networks. The more people who join the cause, the louder our collective voice becomes.
  3. Be Informed: Learn about the bill, its sponsors, and the impact it can have on families, pets, and communities. Knowledge is a powerful tool for change.

Why Should You Act Now?

The Pet Friendly Rental Act isn't just about housing; it's about the love between pets and their humans. It's about creating a humane society where families don't have to make heartbreaking decisions due to housing constraints.

Let's ensure that families in Ohio - and eventually all 50 states - can keep their pets, no matter what the housing options are. Let's create a world where people facing hard times don't have to part with their furry companions. It's a future we can make a reality, but we need your support to do it.

Join the Movement!

Click below to sign the petition, share your support, and become a part of this transformative change. Ohio is just the beginning; this model can serve as a beacon of hope for pet owners and their companions across the United States.

More on this issue:

  1. Rep. Juanita Brent, Sharon Ray, 135th General Assembly Regular Session (2023), "Ohio House Bill 277."
  2. Sarah Szilagy, NBC4 (24 October 2023), "Bill would reward landlords who allow some pets without added rent or fees."
  3. Michelle Alfini, Spectrum News (21 February 2023), "Rising rents leave tenants burdened across Ohio."
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The Petition:

Dear Ohio Representative Juanita Brent and Assistant Majority Whip Sharon Ray,

I am writing to express my enthusiastic support for Ohio House Bill 277, also known as the Pet Friendly Rental Act. This bipartisan legislation, aimed at incentivizing pet-friendly housing and offering tax credits to landlords, represents a significant step in the right direction. I commend your dedication to addressing the housing crisis and the well-being of both renters and their beloved pets.

House Bill 277 offers a win-win solution. It not only eases the financial burden on renters and helps struggling pet owners keep their furry family members, but it also recognizes the deep emotional bonds between people and their pets. By providing tax credits to landlords for accommodating companion animals, you are promoting a humane and happier future for pets and their humans.

I urge you to continue your efforts to pass House Bill 277 and work towards its successful implementation. Furthermore, I encourage you to consider expanding this vital strategy to benefit not only Ohio but the entire United States. This model can serve as a beacon of hope for pet owners facing housing challenges, fostering a more compassionate and pet-friendly society.

Your dedication to this cause is deeply appreciated, and I believe that together, we can create a brighter future for both renters and their pets. Thank you for your commitment to this important issue.


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