Bright Eyes

When I had to let my beautiful black cat Raven go after her battle with renal failure, the pain was worse than anything I'd ever experienced. A week and a half later, my friend's 13-year-old rabbit, a dwarf Hotot mix named Snoopy, also passed away. The double blow was just unbelievable for us both. After deciding that I wasn't quite ready for another cat, I realized how much I missed visiting Snoopy and started wondering about a rabbit for myself. I did some research and finally decided that a rescue would be the best choice because they could provide education and proper vet care. I made arrangements to visit the House Rabbit rescue in our area. After the educational class, we got to meet the available bunnies. None of them seemed too interested in me until I walked up to this big ruby-eyed white rabbit named Curtis, who was lying on the floor of his crate looking at his paws with this really sad expression on his face. When I said his name, he jumped up and literally threw himself at the side of his cage. Turned out the other people there for the class didn't like his red eyes and had turned him down. Is that why he looked so sad? I asked to see Curtis in the meet and greet area and although he was a bit shy at first, he finally came and lay down beside me for a nap. Everyone was shocked because he'd never done that with an adopter before. That settled it. I bought everything I needed and 4 days later I took him home. Every day I look into those bright, trusting ruby eyes and feel his love, and feel so thankful that I was rescued by this handsome, loving bunny.

Marie Carter