Tinkerbell - My latest rescue.

The 'Ragdoll' purebreed I rescued: Her previous owners declawed her (very in-humane) & had her on vallium, then still decided to turn her in to the animal shelter. That really PEAVED me! So I took her in with the intention of fostering her to find a home for her, as I already had cats & dogs of my own. I got her off of the vallium! As time went by I found out that she was anti-social, had severe undiagnosable health issues, skin issues & stomach problems and is the grouchiest & grumbliest cat I have ever had. All this made her unadoptable in spite of her beauty..... so I kept her (my third adopted rescue). She still growls & spits at me & at the other animals I have, even after years! :) But she is really harmless, just a big mouth talker & has unusually small teeth for such a big cat. She is slowly learning how to be a REAL cat... She purred for me for the first time in the 4 years I've had her (just last month)! :)

Judith Bleher
Lake Mary, FL